The second floor features educational media including a library, simulation rooms, 4D room, and a souvenirs shop. The first floor is an open space area which serves as a reminder of the tsunami disaster. The Museum also features an electronic simulation of the Indian Ocean earthquake, pictures of the casualties, and stories and testimonies of survivors. Stepping inside, one will find a narrow corridor with water flowing from either side accompained by a scary rumbling sound, reminding us of the devastations made by the 2004 tsunami. The Museum building has adopted the traditional raised Aceh House. It is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda street, Aceh. There are many museums in Indonesia, one of which is the Aceh Tsunami Museum. James mengatakan bahwa ia juga belum pernah ke Bali.Nowaday’s museum becomes a great and valuable tourist object. Maka kalimat sebelumnya (kalimat Zack) juga menggunakan can’t.ģ0. Kalimat ini mengungkapkan ketidakmampuan dengan menggunakan can’t. Bentuk eliptic yang tepat adalah / don’t either. Andy mengatakan ia juga tidak suka pizza. Budi beats Hoyer-Larsen of Denmark at the Sanyo Indonesia Open Badminton Championships because he played … than Hoyer- Larsenīermain lebih berhati-hati (more carefully)Įither dan Neither di gunakan untuk kalimat negatif. Siaran di sore hari lebih jelas (clearer) dari pada di pagi hari.Ģ7. But I think the afternoon broadcast is … than the morning. Rosa: Do you like listening to the radio? Tylor: Why does your father like living in the countryside?ĭi pedesaan lebih tenang (quiter than) dari pada di kotaĢ6.

James akhirnya memilih akan naik bus setelah diberi tahu Alexa bahwa naik bus lebih murah (cheaper)Ģ5. James: Which one is better, traveling by taxi or a bus?Īlexa: Of course by taxi, but traveling by bus… than a taxi. Jawban yang tepat adalah the best, bentuk degree comparison jenis superlative.Ģ4. Jawaban yang tepat adalah are going to go, untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. Jawaban yang tepat adalah when will you lend me? karena merupakan suatu rencana yang akan dilaksanakan besok. Ali: I like to hear murotal Al Qur’anul Kareem by reciter Sheikh Ghamidee. Jack: Do you know about the most famous sport in the world?Ģ1. Jawaban yang tepat adalah I will have a bowl of fried noodle.Ģ0. Arrange these words into a good sentence Noodles (1) – a bowl (2) – will (3) – of (4) – have (5) – fried (6) – I (7) Gina tidak yakin bisa ikut Jane karena keluarganya mempunyai rencana mengunjungi kakeknya di desa.ġ9. Gina: … My family plans to visit my grandfather in the village. Jane: Do you want to join us for the coming holiday? Jawaban yang tepat adalah Which team is the strongest, degree of comparasion jenis superlatif (paling).ġ8.

Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?Ĭindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia. “… telecomunication technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of document.”ġ7. Jawaban yang tepat adalah disadvantage (kerugian)ġ6.

“… faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly mstantenous… “ Jawaban yang tepat adalah Telefacsimiles lihat kalimat ke-2 pada teks.ġ5. Jawaban yang tepat adalah tool to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents lihat kalimat ke-1 pada teks. Fax is tool to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents. Jawaban yang tepat adalah facsimiles, lihat kalimat ke-1 pada teks.Ĭ. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly instantaneous, yet its disadvantages in quality and its proprietary format have relegated it to l Ja position beneath email as the prevailing form electronic document tranferral. The device is also 1known as a telecopier in certain industries. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for “make a copy at a distance”, is also used as a synonym. Fax, the short term for facsimile is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network.